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Tokyo House Hunting Guide

First of all, I am glad to know that you have decided to find a relatively long-term accommodation space in Tokyo. It’s a marvelous city and I hope you will have a fantastic time living here ~ The ideal procedure would be to lookup apartments in your desired area on these websites and then go an agency. Most apartments won’t be furnished and will have the initial surcharges and key deposit money, ~one month’s rent. The agency I used for my apartment is ABLE, and I would highly recommend it. I have a contact at ABLE Hakusan, so if you are looking for housing in Bunkyo-ku, near the universities, ping me up and I may perhaps be able to get you a bit of a discount, haha ;) Some relevant links are, : This is the largest real-estate website in Japan, with the most number of properties listed. Most of the information is in Japanese though. : The second most popular real-estate website in the country. Suumo is Green, while MiniMini is Red. Both of
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एक पत्र सकुरा के नाम

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An Ordinary Day

To a majority of us, it is a known fact that some days are actually longer than a day. The day in question, however, wasn't. It was in fact meant to be one of the driest and the most barren of the days. The kind of a day one mostly spends snug on the bed with the largest exertion afforded to the limbs being the quiet finger pressings on a touch screen. And yet, looking back now, the singular chain of events from that day, though ordinary in themselves, assume such a perplexing proportion when taken together, that the day has remained so unequivocally imprinted in my mind. At that time I was working as a JSPS Post-Doctoral fellow in the Department of Physics at the University of Tokyo. I had come to Japan from India as a Master’s student about six years prior and had been living in Tokyo since then. Following the PhD degree, owing to my fascination with the city and in order to satisfactorily sum up my current research, I had chosen to continue at the

Review: Breakfast at Tiffany's

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Review: The Essential Collection for Young Readers

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